Gel d’avoirs et Loi sur les valeurs patrimoniales d’origine illicite (LVP)
Nouvel arrêt du Tribunal fédéral

Dans un nouvel arrêt 2C_572/2019 du 11 mars 2020, rendu public il y
a quelques jours, le Tribunal fédéral a rejeté le recours qu’un ex-député ukrainien dirigeait contre le refus de le radier de la liste des personnes dont les valeurs patrimoniales sont gelées en application de l’Ordonnance de blocage de valeurs patrimoniales dans le contexte de l’Ukraine, adoptée par le Conseil fédéral le 25 mai 2016 (ci-après : « O-Ukraine »).

About the Authors
Grégoire Mangeat
Grégoire Mangeat is one of the founders of MANGEAT and Former Chairman of the Geneva Bar Association (2016-2018). He is recommended by Legal 500 and a ranked lawyer by Chambers and Partners. His main practice areas are Litigation, Arbitration and White Collar Crime and Investigations. He is a member of the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA) and a member of the European Fraud and Compliance Lawyers (ECFL).
Fanny Margairaz
Fanny is a senior associate in the Litigation and White Collar Crime and Investigations team. She holds a Master of Advanced Studies in Economic Crime Investigation and currently deploys her expertise on economic criminality in more than thirty proceedings. Cases that include International Mutual Assistance with countries such as Spain, Belgium, Qatar, Algeria, Tunisia, Azerbaidjan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. She is recommended by Legal 500.