Your local office, for big firm services.
MANGEAT Attorneys at Law LLC is a growing law firm with a well-established expertise in diverse and complex legal fields.
We combine an innovative and creative approach to help our clients achieve their objectives and mitigate their risks in an ever-changing and uncertain economic, health and regulatory environment.
About us
MANGEAT Attorneys at Law LLC is a growing law firm with a well-established expertise in diverse and complex legal fields.
Our clients’ operating environment, challenges and communication channels have evolved drastically. We teamwork continuously with our clients, seeking their constructive feedback and suggestions for our improvement. We anticipate and listen to our clients’ needs for on-time, succinct and practical legal advices, and tools.
Our ambition is to be at the forefront of the legal profession: by always thinking ahead, and by offering to clients a seamless collaboration with a wide range of talents. We are continuously enriching our firm’s team by including diverse ways of thinking, backgrounds, and cultures.

Join us
We believe that our success comes from within. The synergies and collaboration between our different specialists are what truly define and differentiate us . We are always seeking for new talents and additions to the team.
We continuously seek to recruit highly motivated and independent lawyers with excellent academic background and strong personal skills to strengthen our team in Geneva.
We also offer trainee programs that combine the possibility of developing professional experience and further enhance the student’s learning process working as an integrated part of our team.
We appreciate your time and interest in MANGEAT. Whether for business enquiries or job offers, we are always interested in hearing from you.
Mangeat Attorneys at Law LLC
Le Plaza
Rue de Chantepoulet 1
P.O. Box
1211 Geneva 1
T — +41 22 319 22 00
F — +41 22 319 22 01
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