Financial Crime & Investigations

Increasingly aggressive regulatory supervision and scrutiny in the financial sector demand equally determined and focused legal representation.
White-collar crime
In recent years, white-collar crime (ranging from bribery and money laundering offences to securities violations and fraud) has been drawing more attention.
Prosecutors and regulators are targeting businesses, companies and individuals around the world as never before. Countries actively pursue the regulation of financial activities beyond their borders, leading to increased cooperation between law enforcement and regulatory bodies around the world.
We assist clients in the development and implementation of compliance programmes, codes of conduct, codes of ethics and whistle-blowing programmes. We assist clients in the turmoil of investigations led by public prosecutors, and we lead internal investigations requested by our clients.
We dare to care about our clients’ reputational risk. We help them navigate through their crisis. In litigation cases that are subject to media scrutiny, we also assist our clients in their communication strategy, and we stand by them in press conferences whenever required.
Grégoire Mangeat, partner, and Fanny Margairaz, partner, are recommended lawyers by The Legal 500 and ranked by Chambers Europe in the White-Collar Crime category for Switzerland.
Our experience includes:
- Assisting the daughter of a foreign state’s former leader in criminal proceedings for money laundering conducted by the Federal Office of the Attorney General within the context of a major bribery scandal that led to the seizure of assets amounting to around USD 800 million and mutual legal assistance requests from 20 foreign states.
- Assisting a Swiss bank in relation to anti-money laundering and other regulatory issues regarding a client relationship having certain links to an individual subject to sanctions.
- Assisting a relative of a foreign state’s former leader accused of having received bribes from international companies in exchange for public procurement contracts in his home country.
- Assisting a foreign financial firm in obtaining the release of funds seized within the context of criminal proceedings initiated on suspicion of insider trading.
- Assisting a client suspected of having provided undue advantages to a representative of a sports federation in exchange for the award of media rights for major sporting events.
- Assisting a foreign central bank within the context of criminal proceedings initiated by the Federal Office of the Attorney General in relation to bribes paid to certain employees.
- Assisting clients active in the art world accused by former clients of fraud for having allegedly taken hidden commissions on the acquisition of art works.
- Assisting clients in the delisting of their personal data from sanctions lists and the World-Check database
Your Key Contacts:

Grégoire Mangeat
Grégoire Mangeat is a partner and a co-founder of MANGEAT and former Chairman of the Geneva Bar Association (2016-2018). He is recommended by Legal 500, ranked by Leader’s League in the dispute resolution – white-collar crime category and by Chambers and Partners in the white-collar crime category.
Contact him at:
Fanny Margairaz
Fanny Margairaz is a partner at MANGEAT and holds a Master of Advanced Studies HES-SO in Economic Crime Investigation from Institute of Economic Crime Investigation (ILCE – HEG Arc) in Neuchâtel. She is recommended by The Legal 500 and ranked by Chambers Europe in the White-Collar Crime Category for Switzerland.
Contact her at:
Recent Publications
Anti-Bribery And Anti-Corruption Switerland – Lexology 2023
White Collar Crime – Law & Practice, Swiss Contribution in Chambers & Partners Global Practice Guide 2023.